Why an alpha male can get your woman to do kinky things for him that she won’t do for you?
Why an alpha male can get your woman to do kinky things for him that she won’t do for you? Hey Beta males and blue-pill simps! Ever wonder why Alpha-Males will get your woman to do all the kinky things with them she won’t do with you? Alpha males have this way of making women drop their inhibitions and put women in a state of burning hot desire and passion.

A woman may tell her current boyfriend or husband I never have anal sex, but the same woman, when encountering an Alpha-Male, will compromise and give more of herself trying to please an Alpha-Male. Many times this means giving the bask door up, or eagerly giving him oral sex. And better oral sex than she gives you right now. For the Alpha-Male, she is more likely to say yes to that FMF threesome. She will move her boundaries for the Alpha-Male. Sex on the first date? Sure that too.
What is an Alpha-Male?
Using the term “Alpha-male,” loosely. All men can be Alpha or Beta in different circumstances. In this case, Alpha means the boss, winner, high-value, champion, the king of the jungle. Beta means average or below average. A man may be an Alpha-Male in the gym but a Beta-Male in his bank account. A man can be an Alpha-Male in his career but a Beta-Male when talking to women. We are not using the term alpha-male as a type of personality that you are born with.
Why do women do more for Alpha-Males?
For one thing, there are just fewer of them. Attractive women are all looking for a man who possesses all of their dream qualifications. He must be over 6-foot-tall, earn over 100K a year, be physically fit, be single, potentially have good parenting skills and have excellent communication skills. This type of man represents less than 1% of all men. So when they meet a man who appears to potentially posses these qualities, they lose their shit like a cat chasing catnip. The hypergamous nature of women makes her instinctively choose the highest quality male she hopes she could get.
How to tell if you are a Beta Male or an Alpha-Male in your relationship?
First, I suggest you read my full blog post on Nateplissken.com, How to tell is you are a Beta or Alpha male in your relationship. But even if you don’t read the blog, there are easy ways to find out.
- Does your woman give you rules to follow (2) or does she break her own rules to follow you (1)?
- Does your woman have a burning desire for you sexually? Yes (1)
- You got with the woman you are or were with cause you had no other options. (2)
- She apologises first when you have conflicts. Not always, but in general. Women rarely apologies. Yes (1) or No (2) or No One apologizes (1)

Are you born an Alpha-male?
The jury is out on that one. Mainly because not all alpha males are the same. There are some that are super athletic, others that are funny but not athletic at all. It comes down to competency. A competent male is dominate and confident, but not everyone is competent in the same way. I believe all men are born with the potential of being alpha males, but society and our conditioning pushes us one way or the other. But it’s a man’s decisions that make him Beta or Alpha.
But here is what I have concluded from personal experience and my bias: Women do not care about how much work you put into yourself, they only care about the finished product.
The hard truth is:
Women don’t care about your struggles, they sit at the finish line and pick the winner.
How do you choose to be Beta or an Alpha Male?
It’s your inner mindset. When a Beta man gets approached by an Alpha male, he becomes with too aggressive or too passive aggressive. The Beta’s fear of not being good enough manifest quickly. No one is perfect. No man has acted as Alpha-Dominant at all times, none that I know. The Alpha male isn’t threatened easily. He protects his people but is not worried about idle words. So what do you care about? Do you respect yourself? If not, why? The Alpha-Male respects himself, he carries himself with dignity. Much of what we perceive as an alpha male is genuine self-respect.
An Alpha-Male is honest.
An alpha male generally expresses his intentions. An alpha male will have the confidence to express to a woman that he thinks she is hot, and he wants to have sex with her.

A Beta-Male is sneaky.
A Beta male usually slides into the friend-zone. Beta-Males play at “Mr. Niceguy”. They are the providers. They spend money on her bills and gifts, hoping she will appreciate him enough to one day be considered as a possible mate. Another term for this is a Beta-bucks.
Women want Alpha Fucks and Beta Bucks!
Women will do almost anything for an Alpha-Male.
The female lion hunts the Lion King guards the pride quietly. Women will do almost anything for a man they perceive as an Alpha-Male. That is really the point. There is only one alpha at a time in any pack. But he runs the risk of being replaced by the younger, stronger, more powerful male.

Western Pop-Culture Vs. Nature.
They have fed us a bunch of lies that are easily disproved. “You just need to find the one for you.” Instead, I challenge you to be the one and they will find you. Being a Beta, a nice guy, and falling in love with a Disney Princess is not the reality. The polarity of the sexes has been minimized in our culture, but high-value feminine women are attracted to high-value masculine men. If you want to follow a Disney trope, be the Beast, from Beauty and the Beast. Women want the Alpha male beast to fuck and the wealthy castle owner to marry. In a perfect world, they want you to be both.
The Solution is to be an Alpha Male.
You may not be able to be the most Alpha in every situation, but you can become more Alpha. Everything works on a scale. In my book “How to Attract Hotter Women,” I give some valuable tips and strategies to level up and attract hotter women. You can improve your SMV. It takes some effort, and it takes knowing your value. You may not go from attracting no women to attract 10s overnight, but you can start attracting hotter women than you are now.
First areas of work and self-improvement for becoming more Alpha are:
- Mindset
- Money
- Physical Physique
- A life purpose.
You may be a master of one of the four categories and just need to work on the other three. But assuming you are lacking in these areas or could improve, you must begin to think differently about yourself and that also relates to having a mission or purpose, and then you must level up your finances and your physical physique.