• nate@nateplissken.com

Why do women always date up and men date down?

Why do women always date up and men date down? Because of social evolution, women want to be led. Cut all the feminist bullshit out of the equation and look at the world as it is and not as you wish it should be. In primitive tribal days, the most eligible females would go with the strongest hunters and mate […]

Sex and Pizza Day, is a great day for planned sex.

Sex and Pizza Day, is a great day for planned sex. After all the greeting card companies’ made-up holidays, isn’t it time we have a fun holiday? I propose that the day after Saint Patrick’s Day be a national holiday called: “Sex and Pizza Day.” A day where you can sleep in and order pizza and have sex all and […]

Ways to make your penis larger.

Just because there are ways to make your penis larger doesn’t mean you need to. Because not every guy is obsessed or unsatisfied with the size of his wang, this is not for everyone.  But just because you want your penis to be bigger, it does not mean you have a small penis. Some men who are very sexually active, […]

Acres of Gold, a new way to buy gold.

Are you asking yourself: “What is Acres of Gold and is there really a new way to buy gold?”. The short answer is yes but with a caveat; just because something is new doesn’t make it better. But with due diligence, you can compare the pros and cons of buying gold the new and old ways. And consider your circumstances […]

How did Bob Proctor get Rich?

How did Bob Proctor get rich? This is a story about a guy named Bob and how he got rich. He got so good at getting rich that he taught a lot of others how to do it too. But Bob wasn’t always rich. Bob’s Early Life. Born during the great depression, in 1934, money was in very short supply […]