• nate@nateplissken.com

Is Masterworks A Good Investment?

This is an alternative investment class that I did not consider because it has traditionally only been for the uber rich. But if you follow the theory that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, it would make sense to capitalize on this. Wealth inequality is a terrible thing. But that being said—if you can’t beat them, join […]

Investing in troubled times.

Investing in troubled times could have alternately been titled “Investing during Stagflation” or “Investing in times of Market Volatility”. What do you do when you find that the investing world is not a safe place to park your money in 401ks and sit it and forget it? How can you be sure that when you are putting your hard earned […]

How to Micro-Farm like a Samurai.

How to Micro-Farm like a Samurai means having a clear focus and making decisions with your garden. But most amateur gardeners get very little yield out of their gardens when they grow a little of everything. Instead, recognise what you like to eat and plan your crops accordingly. Grow what you like to eat—schedule your crops. I would rather grow […]