Stupid Sex Trick # 69 Raise your SMV and get more pussy.
Stupid Sex Trick # 69 Raise your SMV and get more pussy; or Dick, if that is what you are into. You may be a good person, loved by your mother and values by God, but your SMV is your Sexual Marketplace Value to the opposite sex. Your SMV doesn’t care if you are nice, it only judges you on what the Sexual Market Place Values. But good news, you can improve your SMV.

Don’t hate the player hate the game.
In a “Disney Princess” and participation trophy world, the concept of SMV may seem cold and calculating, but the evidence is in people are shallow and want the best value for their trade in the sexual marketplace.

Boy meets girl. Girl turns down boy for a man with a higher SMV.
It’s the age old situation motivator. The desire to have an attractive mate. But want in one hand and s*%t in the other hand and see which one fills up first.
Want in one hand and shit in the other hand and see which one fills up first.
We all want shortcuts to get what we want, but the surest shortcut is to realize there are none. Sure, you can improve your strategy of approaching women and build your confidence. But nothing will build your confidence like leveling up your SMV.
Shortcuts for leveling up your SMV for women.
- Be sexy. Men predominately care about sexual attraction and, for men, that means physical attraction. Ladies, it’s your BMI and youthfulness. And typically women’s peak at 23. They still may have a high SMV for many years, but it declines slowly until it declines rapidly by age 40. But fortunately, there are so many ways a woman can increase her physical attraction with modern science and diet and exercise. Not to mention cosmetically.
Shortcuts for leveling up your SMV for men.
- Achieve in your chosen mission or profession. A man must have a mission or career to excel in. He will not be happy unless he is productive. You need a mission, purpose, or reason to get up in the morning.
- Become financially independent, or at least financially secure. “Money answers all things.” Ecclesiastes 10:19. Money is the way people keep score. It’s not everything, but it’s kind of like oxygen. If you don’t have it, you will notice. Money provides so many extra opportunities to be creative and also to meet beautiful women.
- Be a physical beast. Health is important but highly attractive women care about looks too. I should add be over 6’ foot tall on this list because a lot of women love tall men, but since that isn’t something anyone can really affect besides wearing boots occasionally. it’s not on the list. Being a physical beast means checking your testosterone levels and going to the gym, and not allowing the dad-bod and beer belly to take over. A plus side, men, to losing body fat and gaining muscle mass is that it helps your libido.
- Use 1-3 to work on your self-confidence. Confidence is king. You have to exude real confidence. But really, being confident has to do with believing in yourself and loving yourself. Loving yourself comes from having a purpose and mission. Being a giver helps you to love yourself. Gain money, purpose and get ripped, but add kindness and love for others and you will increase your confidence. When you give, you take your eyes off yourself and put it on others. It is a quick confidence builder.
- Become a great communicator. If you want to meet women, you are going to have to learn how to communicate with them. You don’t want to over communicate, but you need to learn the delicate balance of having enough confidence to approach and talk to women. A good, confident communicator is not afraid of being shot down. High SMV guys don’t like it when they are turned down but they are not afraid to engage beautiful woman. And they don’t get flustered or aggravated when things go wrong. A fool shows his annoyance at once. Proverbs 12:16.
- Don’t be a cuck or a simp. Please do not be a cuck. Being an Only Fans subscriber and just giving women money does not raise your SMV. Do not chase women. Women need to know they can join you or they can go fuck themselves.
Money answers all things. Ecclesiastes 10:19

A fool shows his annoyance at once. Proverbs 12:16.

Begin raising your SMV and you will get more pussy. I guarantee it. If you need more help to raise your SMV, read my book Attract Hotter Women.