• nate@nateplissken.com

7 things your man wished you knew but won’t tell you.

1. He doesn’t care how much money you make.7 things your man wished you knew but won’t tell you. Firstly, ladies of the 7 things your man wished you knew but won’t tell you, is that he doesn’t care very much about how much money you make or how important your job is. Yes, he is proud of your accomplishments. […]

The importance of kink in a relationship.

Why is there the importance of kink in a relationship, anyway? Each person making up a relationship is different. So what one person considers kink compared to another person may be considered as vanilla. But women’s fantasies about sex would surprise most men. The Journal of Sexual Medicine reported: Women think about sex. While men think about sex more often […]

How to date hotter women internationally?

So how do you date hotter women internationally? There isn’t a faster life-hack in the dating world than dating in a different country, if that puts you in a higher social status and financial bracket. It would do you know good to visit a country where all United States citizens are hated or where the cost of living is higher. […]