• nate@nateplissken.com

Out Last Her every time.

Because the size of your penis is not nearly as important as making sure she orgasms during sex. And If you can give her the big “O” it doesn’t matter if you have a big pecker. Let me explain and don’t get me wrong, having a large penis doesn’t hurt. Especially since if nothing else it boosts your confidence. And […]

Dating Hotter Women – Part 2

Hot Women want to join Men who are on a Mission and or a Purpose. Dating Hotter Women part 2: This means, women do not want a man who will join them in their awesome life. They want a man who already has his own mission, passion, purpose, and adventure going on. Consequently, the confusion militant feminism have done to […]

Space To Grow In-Survival Gardening Part 2

Space To Grow In. For many finding “Space to Grow in”, is the biggest hurdle to overcome. Because of your economic status and housing situation. Perhaps you are part of the working poor. Consequently you do not own your own home and have a small backyard or none at all, perhaps you live in an apartment or duplex. This part […]

Get Hard and Stay Hard

Get Hard and Stay Hard? To Get HARD and Stay HARD means having the ability rock her world whenever it is desired. And one of the most clear-cut problems a man can have in the bedroom is the inability to get a hard erection when he is ready to and or keep it. While there can be many factors, lack […]

Is having great sex important to women?

Destroying the myth that women do not care about great sex. Why is having great sex important to women? Because men are more openly focused on sex, some men assume having great sex is not very important to women. They are wrong! Men base almost all their value on women initially based on sexual attraction. That is not up for […]