• nate@nateplissken.com

Kinky Valentine’s Day’ gift ideas.

Kinky Valentine’s Day gift ideas depend on your relationship with your partner. You have to make the judgement call on what is the right level of kink. When choosing a kinky gift for your partner. Maybe you should give a gift that is a mixture of naughty and nice. An example would be candy, flowers, and lingerie. But this article […]

How to go down on a woman.

How to go down on a woman. Of course, I’ve never met a woman who didn’t like good oral sex. And what man doesn’t love it performed on himself too? But how do you become a punani eating master? Here’s your mini-master course on cunnilingus. Don’t be scared. I remember vividly the first time I got close up and personal […]

The best Investment in 2024.

The best investment in 2024. It’s investing in yourself. I almost guaranteed you 2024 is going to be a turbulent year. The only thing that is going to make you come out on top is to become more so you can do more and have more. I’m listing a few ways I am investing in myself in 2024. Use this […]

What is Hotwifing?

What is Hotwifing? It has become really popular in the last few years, but what is it? Hotwifing is when a husband shares his hot wife sexually with other partners, usually men. Hotwifing is not cheating or pimping your wife. It only works when both parties are into it and consent. There are men who fantasies about watching their wife […]

Nate Plissken’s Predictions for 2024.

Nate Plissken’s Predictions for 2024. Could 2024 be the year the world goes into a dystopian apocalypse? Will Trump be elected the 47th President of the United States from a prison cell? Is another Pandemic, or Global disaster coming before Election Day? Will Aliens from outer space or illegal aliens make a bigger impact in 2024? I may not be […]