• nate@nateplissken.com

(Sales) Earning the most money as fast as you can.

(Sales) Earning the most money as fast as you can. With inflation already effecting the USA and something worse around the corner before you can load up on can goods and precious metals you need to maximize your income. One of the Fastest ways to earn more money is in sales. But you must be self-motivated and have a big […]

Digital Real-Estate

Digital Real-Estate Unlike Real Estate, Digital Real Estate takes little to no upkeep. You don’t have to fix the plumbing or pay property tax on it every year. And unlike traditional real estate, it can be built with the smallest budget. Digital real estate can pay you a passive stream of income in royalties. A royalty is a legally binding […]

RIP The USD 1944-2024.

RIP The USD 1944-2024. Since 1944, the Dollar has been the world’s reserve currency, dethroning the British Pound Sterling. But all that has changed starting June 2024. Saudia Arabia recently announced it would not be renewing the deal and would begin selling oil in other currencies. The Bretton Woods Agreement. In 1944, after the Bretton Woods Agreement, the US. Dollar […]

Nate Plissken’s Predictions for 2024.

Nate Plissken’s Predictions for 2024. Could 2024 be the year the world goes into a dystopian apocalypse? Will Trump be elected the 47th President of the United States from a prison cell? Is another Pandemic, or Global disaster coming before Election Day? Will Aliens from outer space or illegal aliens make a bigger impact in 2024? I may not be […]

What happens when a Nation State Fails?

What happens when a Nation State fails? One only has to look to modern-day South Africa to see an example. As I am writing this, they are predicting total grid failure. In South Africa today, they are already experiencing daily 10 hour blackouts. Because their current capacity for producing energy is less than their basic needs, it forced them to […]

Acres of Gold is not a good deal.

I wrote a blog post about Acres of Gold last year about this new way of buying physical gold. The service automatically deducts money from your bank account until you reach a certain threshold and you purchase fractional gold bars like 2.5 grams, 5 grams and larger sizes. I wanted to like Acres of Gold. I liked the idea of […]

How to invest in a Bear Market?

So you want to know, How to invest in a bear market? Like it or not, the US Stock market and much of the world’s markets are in a Bear Market. So How do you invest for profit in a Bear Market? Cash is trash. The US dollar may be doing better than other currencies in the world right now, […]

Is Bitcoin a hedge against inflation?

Why not Bitcoin? With the risk of offending my readers, Bitcoin has no history of being a hedge against inflation. Nor has any other cryptocurrency been proven to protect wealth in times of inflation. But why? First of if Bitcoin is a store of value, what is its utility? Not a very useful currency. The volatility in Bitcoin and other […]

Is Masterworks A Good Investment?

This is an alternative investment class that I did not consider because it has traditionally only been for the uber rich. But if you follow the theory that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, it would make sense to capitalize on this. Wealth inequality is a terrible thing. But that being said—if you can’t beat them, join […]

Investing in troubled times.

Investing in troubled times could have alternately been titled “Investing during Stagflation” or “Investing in times of Market Volatility”. What do you do when you find that the investing world is not a safe place to park your money in 401ks and sit it and forget it? How can you be sure that when you are putting your hard earned […]

What is better Vino Vest, Vint, or Cult for Fine Wine Investing?

Why Wine? Why wine? What is the intrinsic value of wine and the history of wine investing? Fine wine dominated historically by vineyards in France and other Mediterranean countries has shown real appreciation in value over the years. Finite and tangible, once a vintage has been recognized as high rated to peer vintage its scarcity is real. Unlike fiat currencies, […]

Acres of Gold, a new way to buy gold.

Are you asking yourself: “What is Acres of Gold and is there really a new way to buy gold?”. The short answer is yes but with a caveat; just because something is new doesn’t make it better. But with due diligence, you can compare the pros and cons of buying gold the new and old ways. And consider your circumstances […]

Is The Federal Reserve Lying About Inflation?

In this blog we are going to look into the Federal Reserve Bank. Are they lying about Inflation? In other words are statements like the following lies? “Inflation is transitory,” “Covid related supply chain issues,” “If inflation runs hot the Fed will use our tools to curb inflation.” These statements have been made by The Federal Reserve Chairman. But when […]

Cash is King or is it?

Cash is King, or is it? When during times of inflation is having cash reserves a good thing? “Cash is trash.” – Ray Dalio Inflation is itself an increase of the money supply and a devaluing of the currency. So in the long run over the years holding cash is like being the last one to not get a seat […]

The Gold and Silver Inflation Trade

The Gold and Silver Inflation Trade Strategy Investing in Gold and Silver to profit off of the coming inflation crisis or to protect yourself from the risk of losing everything. Buy Gold and Silver Low and Sell it High.  The basic rule in investing and speculating is to buy low and sell high. When the cost of everything you want […]

Survival Gardening

Survival Gardening Have you looked at the world lately? Have you asked yourself? “Does the government have my best interest at heart?” On New Year’s Eve December 31st, 2019 did you envision what would end up happening to the entire world in 2020? 2020 saw supply chain shortages all over the U.S. and people were told to stay inside their […]

Inflation Trades/ Your first defense against inflation is: Inflation Proof Income

Inflation Trades 101 By Nate Plissken Inflation Proof Income, the Essential Investment For The Middle-Class During Inflationary times.   Inflation may not be transitory but your income could be. The working-poor and the middle-class and the poor and elderly on fixed incomes are the groups of people that are hit the hardest by inflation. Investments like, gold and silver, and real […]