• nate@nateplissken.com

Get Hard and Stay Hard

Get Hard and Stay Hard? To Get HARD and Stay HARD means having the ability rock her world whenever it is desired. And one of the most clear-cut problems a man can have in the bedroom is the inability to get a hard erection when he is ready to and or keep it. While there can be many factors, lack […]

Is having great sex important to women?

Destroying the myth that women do not care about great sex. Why is having great sex important to women? Because men are more openly focused on sex, some men assume having great sex is not very important to women. They are wrong! Men base almost all their value on women initially based on sexual attraction. That is not up for […]

Dating Hotter Women Part 1

Introduction to dating hotter Women What does Dating hotter women, as a man, comes down to? What do you really desire, if not to date and or be with a highly attractive woman, AKA a hot woman? Well, some would say companionship and that they do not care about how attractive their girlfriend and or wife or sexual partner is […]

The Zombie Apocalypse is here.

The Zombie Apocalypse is here! By Nate Plissken Did you ever think about how it would be like living in a “Zombie Apocalypse” like in the movie “Zombieland” or the show “The Walking Dead,”? Have you imagined walking by mindless masses who are just walking about going through motions, seeking to feed themselves and little else? What if I told […]

Survival Gardening

Survival Gardening Have you looked at the world lately? Have you asked yourself? “Does the government have my best interest at heart?” On New Year’s Eve December 31st, 2019 did you envision what would end up happening to the entire world in 2020? 2020 saw supply chain shortages all over the U.S. and people were told to stay inside their […]

Inflation Trades/ Your first defense against inflation is: Inflation Proof Income

Inflation Trades 101 By Nate Plissken Inflation Proof Income, the Essential Investment For The Middle-Class During Inflationary times.   Inflation may not be transitory but your income could be. The working-poor and the middle-class and the poor and elderly on fixed incomes are the groups of people that are hit the hardest by inflation. Investments like, gold and silver, and real […]